Brief Brooklyn Beer Bonanza

19 Apr

Even a short weekend in New York can provide a flurry of beerventures. Aided by lovely weather all weekend long, my lady friend travel companion and I were able to fit a lot of activity into about 50 hours in … Read More »

Twin Cities, Beeresota

14 Apr

Full disclosure: this post title is garbage. Judge me all you want. When I first found out I’d be traveling to Minnesota for work, I had two thoughts: 1) holy shit it’s going to -20℉ and I’m going to freeze … Read More »

Hello, World!

5 Apr

Howdy y’all! I’ve finally done it. After a vague idea of starting a beer blog, reserving nearly 5 years ago (it’s still just a shell), countless beer adventures since then, and some final prodding from friends over beers (of … Read More »